Seminar/Webinar (Presenter/Organizer/Moderator)
Michler, L (2024). Effective Mediations and Conciliations, Setting Yourself Up For Success. Allegheny County Bar Association, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, September, Moderator/Organizer
Michler, L (2023). A Discussion on INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. American Bar Association, July, Moderator/Organizer
Michler, L (2019). When Emotions ARE the Issue. American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section, Advanced Mediator Training, July. Presenter.
Michler, L (2019). Truce or Consequences. Association of Attorney Mediators, April. Presenter.
Michler, L (2017). The Good, the Bad, and the Uninformed. Association of Attorney Mediators, September. Author and Presenter.
Michler, L (2017). ADR Neutral Disclosures, Woman’s Bar Association of Western PA, May. Author and Presenter.
Michler, L (2017). Will Your ADR Neutral Disclosures Meet Party Expectations? Perceived Associations and Social Media: Guidelines, Disclosure Differences, Requirements, Opinions – Are They Enough? American Bar Association, ABA Dispute Resolution Section Annual Meeting, April. Author and Presenter.
A Discussion on
International Arbitration
Effective Mediations and Conciliations